Thursday 8 July 2010

wisdom of children

Body is tired but I am inspired.Preparing the new track in the studio today.So much is happening all at once feeling a litte overwhelmed but then holland is one of those paces whee there is so little nature that people are incredibly creative so it is a great place to manifest all your dreams below sea level.
It is funny some of our most beautiful music has come out of Prafuls studio but his house is nestled sweetly between a big furniture store and a supermarket.They have tiny green back garden which is such a space of love if it werent for the heaving trucks cars and moterbikes you could almost think you were in the wild.
My daughter has been so funny too beautiful and challenging.She is in New Mexico, her father is very close to death and she is having great fearful wake ups in the night because she fears being abducted.Now when I was 11yrs aliens were not something you sat in the toilet and read about except maybe comic books.I have endeavoured to keep her in innocence as long as I can knowing childhood is precious but she has a father who is a medicine man and has raised his kids shooting,sword fighting and al manner of altered perspectives on all manner of life past and future.Yes she chose her parents,what a bag a medicine man and me.So at 12,000 miles I am trying to help quiten her mind.She says to me mum I know its my mind but I just cant stop it in the darkness.I said to her it takes quite some years to master your mind and not to give up.So she asks have I mastered mine and I say yes in many areas but not all.She asks what is one area you have not mastered I say self doubt and she syas well I can really understand why you have not mastered that one yet. I just love communicating with my sweetheart she is so real and courageous and honest, I hope she never loses this.I have to rest I havent been to bed before 2 am for ages poor organs need a rest.All my love

1 comment:

  1. try this with your daughter, it often works with mine, especially when the fears are torturing her: visualize draping a cobalt blue cloak over her as she sleeps. It's not a wall, not an obstacle, just a cloak for her to sleep peacefully within, she doesn't even have to be told about it. Sometimes I also visualize holding her in my arms and the cloak covering us both.

    I love your blogs, thanks for finding the time to write!

