Sunday 4 July 2010

gratitude overwhelms exhaustion

After leaving Copenhagen and my phone I have flewn to my other home in Amstredam in Praful and Vimal's beautiful love home today.Praful is wrecked after the tour and it is time for some well earned rest before we hit the studio to make our new single,hereI am Beloved.
It is good to be in one place for a while and Amsterdam is filled with inspired amazing community which has congregated around the Open Up Festival .Awesome Festival for all lovers of truth,lovers of love , good music deep sharing and great for kids.

I was feeling so exhausted after 5 weeks touring this morning and just when I feeling very tender and vunerable. Not an uncommon state too post workshop for all the holding on in woman runs through me post workshop, I have just learnt not to identify with it as athough we are one woman transforming the pain is not mine personally but still when I am tired fromtravel it is not paricuarly comfortable as it passes through my body.

When I am in that state the Mother often sends me a little gift to remind me not to take anything for granted.The gift was a beautiful note from a woman who had been in a deep workshop with me in Stavanger so I thought I would share it for it is not just about my experience of what it is to walk around this Planet as an open woman but what my sisters are opening into too so here it is Thankyou so much Julie......

Here it is

"First of all I would like to say it started at the concert. Your song with the river just took me so deep. I wasnt aware of that your music were able to touch me so deep and take me to a totally new place inside.At the workshop it started when you were taking us in to our bodies. I felt it very clearly how I went down trough my chest..stomage..And when I came to the womb I met this sharp pain,like a strong contraction and I thought to myself that this I have met a thousand of times before.Feeling sad that it still was there I decided that I would try too breath myself through it.....And then it happened. I felt my birthchannel opening just like when your having a baby and I saw to hands(I think they were my own) receving a golden ball. So I was giving birth to a golden ball...then my mind were telling me that now you have completely lost it:)But I decided that I wanted to see more.....and then I saw this golden ball transform into mother earth...and tears just filled my eyes.I didnt fully understand what was taking place in me at that time and mabye I still dont..but I know that my body never lies and that the days after the workshop had contractions like you have after giving birth. I remembered how it felt when it was there.Actually I have felt like an open cathedral afterwars and much more open in my lovemaking with my man:)So this woman has in some way experienced giving birth to mother earth.....and experienced that my body is the universe:)))That is just sooo beatiful and I am so greatful to you who holds this space for me and all of my sisters:)I hope this will inspire you in your lovely sacred work and I want to share with you what you mirror to us smells like gold."

It is time to rest all my Love and gratitude to life for I have a good bed to sleep in and dear family and my daughter is having a ball in Newmexico going to Pow wows and Rodeos.

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