Sunday 11 July 2010

passion has many faces but all reflect the source

It is the eve of Holland' big moment in the soccer finals and the whole city has turned orange. I mean there are some seriously creative outfits here not just orange t-shirts we are talking orange creature costumes wild hats fluffy orange feather bowers and all sorts.I went to the supremarket and the charge of the anticipation as as myriads of people buy their chips and beers getting ready is filling the air.Already these funny elephant honky horns are sounding in the streets.I was at dinner with my sister Vimal in the town square when the semi final game with Holland and cant remember who but there was so much wild passion pumping in the air whenever a goal was scored 10.000,0000 volts of shakti energy went thru Vimal and I . I mean it was fantastic to see people so alive with so much passion all singing and all dancing.

We are truly a funny race, if this much unified energy was directed toward something of a more creative energy what a powerful creation that would be.We are totally mad.Instead it goes toward football .Not that there is anything wrong with that .So I am joining the celebration by drinking some bright orange carrot juice .... I am supporting holland quietly on the inside.

Beautiful to sit with the women in the Temple of the Body workshop.We were on some exquisite land that had so much love poured into it filled with flowers and trees my sisters parents had consciously been developing these Gardens and land for 16 years.

We created a beautiful space lushed with saris in a tipi in the woods,giving the space to be totally free with opening the body up.The trees celebrating with us .So much doubt and contraction in the heart and breasts and numbness in womb and yoni ..and for those starting to open a real fear of shining in full embodiment for fear of making other women feel lesser than .Fear that there just arent men who are really commited to a deeper way of living in a vital awake love.I can only keep reminding women that how we live, how truely we give and are willing to keep purifying our bodies through deep honesty and intimacy with the earth and ourselves that any man we are with will be directly touched and opened by that.Not by following a spiritual philosophy but by the way we love ourselves and keep our feminine fragrance fresh with our own inner communion.

It is incredible how this refective reality works with our relationship to love.A sister who had suffered abuse and had a deep mistrust of man , a beautiful woman, but man constantly reflected back to her ugliness and using her for sex.Obscenity that is so painful but as she changes her relationship to love within herself and then to man ,a different reality gets reflected back.This is such a journey to come into wholeness and can only unfold with my readiness and thirst for wholeness.I just am touched by the courage of a human being to keep calling for love when the road has been harsh and the experience ugly thank goodness there is an eternal love pulling us home to the source.
Passion flower of the human heart

All my love

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